117 E. Jackson Avenue, Haughton, LA 71037 (318) 949-6400
Sunday Morning Worship 10:00am
Wenesday Mid Week Worship 6:00 pm
The Vision
The Lord gave Apostle Webb the vision of foundering a church where God dwells and is in control of its leader as well as the members. A church where needs are met by faith (spiritual, mental, physical and financial) in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and by the power and anointing of the Holy Ghost. The vision is to be fulfilled by the uncompromised Word of God being taught with authority so the hearers may become doers of the Word in their lives. Minds must be changed by the teaching of the Word and then lives will be changed by hearers becoming doers of the Word. Once this has taken place, prosperity (spiritual, mental, physical and financial) and good success will manifest in the lives of the hearers. This ministry must operate in the spiritual gifts God has in place and available for the Body of Christ to use to manifest His glory in the earth realm. The vision of this ministry can only be filled by walking by faith and not by sight.
Directions: From I-20 take exit 33, go south on Highway 157 through two traffic lights. Cross railroad tracks, then turn left on West Jackson (between railroad tracks and furniture store) . Continue 8/10 mile and church will be on right before the street curve.